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In the Hatboro-Horsham School District, safety is a priority. Safe schools place our students in a positive, safe environment that promotes social and creative learning. Not only do our buildings and facilities need to be safe, but our students need to feel accepted, welcomed, and safe amongst their peers in order to create the best learning environment. This HHSD has a layered, comprehensive emergency management safety plan in place that is reviewed and updated annually. The safety plan addresses prevention/mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery strategies involving a wide variety of emergency situations. HHSD partners with and encourages feedback on district stakeholder safety from the Hatboro and Horsham Police Departments, the Horsham and Hatboro Enterprise Fire Departments, and the Hatboro and Horsham Office of Emergency Management.


Since taking office, we have ensured a safe environment on numerous fronts as outlined below:


The HHSD Educational Equity Policy Was Passed


A community forum was held to discuss the Educational Equity Policy. We all attended workshops and meetings to learn about the issues and how they could be addressed. More than a year of work was put into the policy which allowed all stakeholders the opportunity to understand the issues and the opportunity to provide input into the policy.


District policy revision or adoption requires two votes from the School Board: a first-read vote and a second-read vote.

  • The first read of the policy was approved 9-0 with all board members in favor of the policy​

  • Less than 4 weeks later, the second read was approved by a 5-4 vote- down party lines. No explanation or suggested changes were made before the vote



The district received two new grants. The money was dedicated to improving school safety and improving student mental health.



Technology/Safety Improvements


  • Installed 25 Interior/Exterior CCTV Security Cameras


  • Secured HS Vestibule/Lobby


  • Installed Metal lock down doors at Blair Mill


  • Passed a policy on Good Digital Citizenship and Acceptable Use of the Internet, Computers, and Network Resources


  • Technology Infrastructure upgraded


  • District-wide replacement of incandescent light bulbs with LED light bulbs which saved the district money from rising energy costs


  • Portable Radio/Repeater communication System so all areas of the building are covered (HHSD completed the first phase of upgrading the district’s portable radio communication system. The upgrade involved the installation of portable radio repeaters in all of our school buildings)


  • Digital Sign Boards (The boards display a written message which visually alerts students and staff in these noisy areas of an emergency)

Social Emotional Well-Being (S.E.W.)


The mission of Social Emotional Well-Being at the Hatboro-Horsham School District focuses on inclusion and equity through educating the whole child.  Specifically, it addresses programming that addresses areas of substances, mental health, bullying, LGBTQ, diversity, and equity issues through the education of social and emotional awareness, curriculum, and education.  A S.E.W. questionnaire called the Student Wellness Survey was utilized in 4th–12th graders to generate a baseline.  Areas of focus included students' emotional and physical health, inclusion and belonging, school safety, and understanding students' learning experiences. 

A S.E.W. questionnaire called the Student Wellness Survey was utilized in 4th–12th graders to generate a baseline.

Students were selected to participate in Student Assistance Program (SAP) interventions individually or in small groups to teach various skills.  Topics include stress and anxiety, anger management, coping techniques, grief and loss, social skills, self-management and various other topics.  ESSER funds were also utilized to augment the SAP counselor and social work services.


S.E.W. is assisting students and teachers in the following way:



  • Behavioral data collection utilizing BIMAS’ tool was completed in K-5 and will be expanded for 2022-23


  • A Universal Language ‘The Zones of Regulation’ was adopted.  The Zones of Regulation is an approach used to support the development of self-regulation in children. All the different ways children feel and the states of alertness they experience are categorized into four colored zones. Children who are well regulated are able to be in the appropriate zone at the appropriate time​

    • Each elementary classroom has four lessons about the Zones of Regulation language

    • Elementary teachers were provided lessons for morning meetings to build on the Zones of Regulation language

    • Teachers analyzed BIMAS data in the Fall and now are using comparison data from Fall and winter to plan for social emotional lessons at Tier I levels

    • BIMAS data helped support student intervention supports.  Supports can be provided in individual or small groups, provided by School Counselor, Social Worker, SAP counselor, or IEP supports

    • Therapy dogs participate in different schools


Keith Valley

  • Every Friday students participate in social-emotional wellness lessons in smaller grade-level groups


  • Therapy dogs visit the building weekly, teachers have the opportunity to sign up their classes to visit with the therapy dogs


High School

  • The week before finals students had the opportunity to participate in various stress free activities known as the “DeStress Fest”.  There were therapy dogs on site, yoga, and other craft opportunities.  HHEF is also sponsoring a ‘Be a Part of the Conversation’ hosted a guest speaker for students to focus on anxiety


  • Lunch and learn activities including Meditation Mondays, Yoga, Karaoke Fridays, and more!


  • HHEF engaged a guest speaker to discuss “Breaking Down the Walls”.  Over the course of three days 250+ students participated in guided activities to promote self-awareness


  • Mental health counselors and Behavioral Management Counselors provide various supports to students through IEP’s or SAP referrals


Professional Development

  • Brain-based and trauma-informed care and how to address and respond in a classroom setting


  • Personalized Professional Learning communities focused on trauma and brain-based learning


Community Programs

  • HHEF Grant opportunities


  • Virtual programs aimed at addressing stress and anxiety 


At all levels, HHSD maintains a focus on all types of diversity to provide a broader understanding and appreciation for other people, cultures, and practices.

Other Notable Improvements


  • A Resolution to Further Regulate Firearms was passed. The Resolution called upon Congress and the Pennsylvania General Assembly to enact legislation that further regulates firearms, including but not limited to legislation that prohibits the possession, use, control, manufacture, and sale of assault weapons.  The Resolution passed 5-3 down party lines (with 1 School Director absent) with all of us voting "yea"


  • Board approves upgraded Simmons Elementary Bus Loop


  • Upon the return to in-person learning, there were some challenges that were seen across the country and H-H with student communications and aggression towards each other and those in authority.  H-H took immediate steps to address these issues with positive outcomes


  • Passed a Policy addressing Students Convicted or Adjudicated Delinquent of Sexual Assault of another student


  • Passed Health and Safety Plan with flexibility


  • New Playground equipment was installed at Blair Mill to upgrade the existing equipment to provide a safer opportunity for the students to enjoy their recess time

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