In 2019, one of the campaign promises made by David Brown, Theresa Brown, Susan Hunsinger-Hoff, and DJ Schultz was to work towards excellence in teaching and learning at Hatboro-Horsham. Each of these current School Directors has done just that through consistent attendance and thoughtful input at all Board Meetings, active participation and leadership in Committee Meetings, and frequent conversations with all of the stakeholders in this community of learners. Realizing that excellence in education requires mindful reflection and honest self-assessment, we have worked tirelessly to examine policies and programs, research possibilities, pursue avenues of growth, and make changes where needed to achieve excellence.
Below is a list of some of our accomplishments:
Striving to hire and retain the very best teachers and staff, we negotiated and approved the current HHEA contract that more fairly compensates hard-working individuals in the district
We enabled the revision of the previous schedule for the implementation of one-to-one technology initiatives, and immediately provided a mobile device for each student in order to meet the needs of all families during the pandemic
We hired a new superintendent who, despite the pandemic, was integral in moving forward the vision and goals of the District, particularly in the areas of deeper learning, alternative assessments, and cultural proficiency goals. Dr. Eveslage has moved the District forward in profound ways through his plans for addressing the academic needs, safety, security, and well-being of every student
We approved the training and professional development necessary to enable a hybrid mode of instruction very quickly when the health of our community necessitated a transformation of teaching and learning
We enabled the realigning of teaching, specialist support, and administrative staff to better meet the needs of students
We believe that engagement is highest when students are immersed in a more personalized learning experience that values the whole child and acknowledges the varied interests and multiple, diverse intelligences of each student. We support deeper learning and a curriculum that engages students in higher-order thinking skills and inquiry
We encourage more professional development opportunities and participation through personalized professional learning communities
The Board seeks to create an environment that fosters awareness of diverse perspectives and backgrounds; to build a community where everyone feels accepted and valued, and to be purposeful in looking for value in others.
We have initiated discussion and approval of policies that support excellence in teaching and learning:​
We advanced the belief that an excellent education is an equitable education and passed the Educational Equity Policy
The Board adopts this policy to prioritize the principle of educational equity through the fair and just allocation of resources, opportunities, and treatment of students based upon each individual student’s needs. The Board seeks to create an environment that fosters awareness of diverse perspectives and backgrounds; to build a community where everyone feels accepted and valued, and to be purposeful in looking for value in others. The pursuit of educational equity requires the continuous and collaborative effort of identifying various aspects of District programs and operations in which consideration of educational equity shall be analyzed, incorporated, and prioritized. The District shall be aided in this process through the use of educational equity data analysis and auditing tools.
We reviewed and/or revised, and approved:
Policy 103 Nondiscrimination in School and Classroom Practices
Policy 214 Class Rank
Policy 255 Educational Stability for Children in Foster Care
Policy 130 Homework
Policy 815 Acceptable Use of Internet, Computers, and Network Resources
​Policy 109 Resource Materials
Including Non-Textbook, Supplemental, Current Events
We continue to encourage careful attention to the social and emotional well-being of the students and the mental health of the entire school community
We are active participants in the curriculum review process. Along with Dr. Eveslage, we encouraged attention to the social studies curriculum ahead of its expected review time in order to meet the needs of students and goals of the District
The formal review of the social studies curriculum is underway, and resources are reviewed and distinct literary works are identified at each grade level (novels, biographies, non-fiction historical works, etc.) to enhance the literacy goals and enrich the content of each grade level course
Professionals engaged in a course-by-course review of social studies courses at the high school and will determine, with our approval, new or supplemental materials for recommendation for adoption for each
​ELA Review completed with a focus on student achievement, deeper learning, equity, cultural proficiency
Into Reading program adopted
Review of math curriculum completed, resulting in new resource and teacher training
Adopted the Bridges in Mathematics program, a comprehensive K-5 curriculum that is rigorous, coherent, engaging, and accessible to all learners.
We work tirelessly to aid educators in fulfilling the Comprehensive Plan and Achievement Task Force goals
We support the new Lunch and Learn program in the high school, for it promotes more student voice and choice
We promote critical thinking and digital citizenship in all curricular work
​​We are working to develop common course-specific assessments that provide for the measurements of critical habits of mind and thinking skills for students identified through the statement of instructional philosophy and relevant standards documents.
We promote a Wellness Curriculum that includes anti-bullying, including cyberbullying, cultural awareness sensitivity, and inclusion
We have been actively involved in Middle School alignment of new construction with curricular/learning needs, exploring new ideas to determine design imperatives to provide the best learning environment to meet the needs of all KV students